Glorianna Sin
Glorianna has graduated with a B.Sc. in Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology and a B.Sc. in Psychology (honours) from the University of Calgary. She is currently a research assistant in the TREC Lab and completed her psychology honours thesis on risk and protective factors associated with well-being trajectories during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her primary research interests are in psychopathology, well-being, and resilience with a particular interest in the biopsychosocial mechanisms and interplay between trauma, depression, and resilience factors. Glorianna aspires to continue with graduate studies in clinical psychology to work with marginalized individuals as a clinical psychologist. In her free time, she enjoys meeting up with friends, baking, playing music, and going on walks in or around the city.
What would you bring in your backpack if you were heading on a TREC?
“If I were going on a TREC, I would pack my camera, some music, and bring some friends! Even if we can’t time travel (yet), I think pictures and films allow us to develop and re-live precious moments with friends and loved ones.”